We Need Your Support

Pollution-free solar power pumps billions of dollars into the country’s economy every year. In 2019, the solar industry generated $18 billion of investment in the American economy. The South Ripley Solar Project will bring a long-term economic boost to Chautauqua County and the Town of Ripley by creating new family wage jobs and providing long-term tax revenue, which could total over $18 million over the next few decades. Further, the South Ripley Solar Project will generate enough clean energy to power more than 60,000 homes in New York State annually.

Please join the growing number of people who support this project by signing a petition that will be submitted to key decision makers involved in the approval of the South Ripley Solar Project. Signing the petition is simple and quick! Just enter your information below to show that you are in support of the economic and environmental benefits that the South Ripley Solar Project will provide to the Town of Ripley and Chautauqua County.

Sign a support letter supporting the South Ripley Solar Project

Re: Support for the South Ripley Solar Project

To whom it may concern

I am writing today to express my support for the South Ripley Solar Project currently under development in the Town of Ripley. The South Ripley Solar Project represents an approximately $350 million capital investment, which will result in a significant increase in Chautauqua County’s taxable property base. The project will significantly increase revenues, which could total more than $18 million over the life of the project, to Chautauqua County taxing jurisdictions. Chautauqua County, the Town of Ripley, and the Sherman and Ripley School Districts have the opportunity to directly benefit from millions of dollars in increased revenues, which can be used to fund road upgrades, schools, public safety, and other critically important public services at no cost to the taxpayers and homeowners of South Ripley and broader Chautauqua County.

Further, the South Ripley Solar Project will support up to 220 family-wage construction jobs, providing opportunities for local contractors and workers to participate in the project. The South Ripley Solar Project will also support local businesses in Chautauqua County by increasing activity among local hotels and motels, gas stations, restaurants, equipment rentals, materials suppliers, and similar businesses.

As a resident of Chautauqua County, I believe that we owe it to future generations to do our part in creating a more sustainable future and securing revenues today that will help our community thrive over the long-term. Please help by making it possible to bring the South Ripley Solar Project to Chautauqua County.



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