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Learn more about solar energy here! Below are answers to some of the most-asked questions about solar energy and the South Ripley Solar Project.
Solar power is now one of the cheapest new sources of electricity in most of the world due to declining equipment costs, improved technologies, and public policy supporting the procurement of renewable energy across the country.1
In the last decade, the cost to install solar has dropped by more than 40%.2 According to Lazard’s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis – Version 17.0 (2023), even without tax credits, new solar resources have a levelized cost of energy in the range of 2.9¢/kWh – 9.2¢/kWh for large-scale solar. This range falls below the levelized cost of energy for new coal or gas combined cycle power production.3 These results have been bolstered by the International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook 2020,4 which found that “Solar PV and wind are now the cheapest sources of electricity in most markets.”5
Adding to the growing appeal, solar energy is uniquely able to offer electricity at a fixed-price contract over the life of the project. Solar energy has no fuel cost and therefore no fuel price risk, allowing it to act as a hedge against future volatility of natural gas prices.6
Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels are constructed of silicon, tempered glass, electrical wiring, and a metal frame. Silicon, an element most commonly found in sand, has conductive properties that allow it to absorb and convert sunlight into electricity. When light interacts with a silicon cell, it causes electrons to be set into motion, which initiates a flow of electric current in a process known as the “photovoltaic effect”.7
Solar power is a reliable source of energy, with solar projects being installed in all 50 states across the US.8 New York State, which has a considerable amount of solar potential, has consistently been in the top 10 US solar markets and is projected to install 4,367 megawatts (MW) over the next five years, all above the 40th parallel.9
A solar project will produce power most days of the year, even under cloudy conditions, and in some cases, clouds can result in better panel performance. Further, a recent industry trend is the use of bifacial solar panels, which have solar cells that capture sunlight from the front of the panel as well as sunlight that is reflected off the ground. These panels have been shown to yield 11% more energy than standard solar panels in a tilted, ground-mounted solar installation.10 We have measured and analyzed over a year of on-site solar and weather data in the project area to confirm that the solar resource in South Ripley can support solar project operations, with production estimates at least 500% higher than what has been claimed in some public comments. Repsol Renewables North America is contractually bound to the anticipated production estimates through its REC contract with NYSERDA.
No electricity source runs 100% of the time, including coal, gas, and nuclear plants. While solar is variable as a power resource, its variability can be predictably forecast and used to complement other generation sources. Grid operators have decades of experience managing changes in supply and demand, including the gradual, predictable changes in solar output.11
Other project infrastructure present at a solar project includes common electrical equipment such as inverters and transformers, and the electrical equipment necessary to deliver energy to the existing electrical grid such as underground and overhead transmission lines.
Yes. Solar panel materials are enclosed with glass and do not mix with water or vaporize into the air, so there is little to no risk of chemicals, including greenhouse gases, being released into the environment during normal use. Crystalline silicon PV panels, an extremely common type of solar panel used around the world, “do not pose a material risk of toxicity to public health and safety.”12
Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF) are present everywhere in our environment, including TV antennas, radio signals, Wi-Fi, cell phones, and common household appliances.13 EMF emissions from solar panel systems are non-ionizing and in the same extremely low frequency range as those induced by household appliances.14
All solar facilities are designed to strict electrical safety standards to ensure safe operation. Product safety standards, installation requirements, and building codes for solar facilities are addressed by the National Fire Protection Agency’s National Electrical Code, the International Code Council’s International Fire Code, the International Association of Firefighters, and several other national, state and local safety and product standards groups.15
The construction of the South Ripley Solar Project will not require toxic chemicals or processes. PV panels typically consist of glass, aluminum, copper, silver, and semiconductor materials than can be successfully recovered and reused. Solar panel materials are enclosed with glass and do not mix with water or vaporize into the air, so there is little to no risk of chemicals, including greenhouse gases, being released into the environment during normal use. Crystalline silicon PV panels, which represent approximately 90% of the solar panels in use today, “do not pose a material risk of toxicity to public health and safety.”16
In addition, to provide decades of corrosion-free operation, panels – like the ones that will be used for the South Ripley Solar Project – are encapsulated from air and moisture between two layers of plastic. The encapsulation layers are further protected with a layer of tempered glass on the front and a polymer sheet on the back. For decades, this same material has been used between layers of tempered glass to give car windshields and hurricane windows their great strength, allowing them to stay intact even if damage occurs.
Solar projects are designed with lightning protection on all system components, which protect against damage in the event of a lightning strike. The ground grid will be designed in consideration of the conductivity of soils in the area as well as any other nearby conductive materials that are buried or connected to the ground, such as water or natural gas pipes.
Temporary, elevated noise levels may occur during the construction phase of a solar project, but once construction is complete, an operating solar project emits minimal noise during the day and is dormant at night. As part of its Article VIII application filing, Repsol Renewables submitted a detailed study of the potential noise impacts associated with the construction and operation of the facility. The results of the study assessed expected noise levels, and also proposed noise limits, which will minimize and mitigate adverse impacts associated with construction and operation of the South Ripley Solar Project. In addition, Repsol Renewables is committed to taking steps to minimize and mitigate visual impacts of the project through vegetative buffers and setbacks from property lines, which will provide additional sound dampening benefits as well.
No. Property value studies conducted across the country have shown that proximity to large-scale solar projects does not measurably impact property values or deter the sale of agricultural or residential land.17 For example:
Solar projects are low impact and coexist well with agriculture, operating without any impact to adjacent agricultural properties. During the solar project’s 30 year or more lifespan, the land hosting the project gets a recovery period, allowing the soil to restore fertility and rebuild. Native vegetation can grow under the panels, allowing the land to retain water and topsoil and improving soil health over time, which can increase the productivity and value of the land for agriculture in the future.21
Further, Repsol Renewables will have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), which will outline Repsol Renewables’ plans for sediment and erosion controls to manage both the amount and composition of any stormwater discharged from the project site. There are no anticipated stormwater runoff issues for land hosting or adjacent to panel areas.
At the end of the solar project’s useful life, the project is decommissioned and the land can be returned to agricultural use.22 In addition, a solar project can offer a consistent, weather-resistant source of income for rural farmers and their local economies, providing an alternative “crop” that diversifies farmers’ revenues.
PV panels are designed to last more than 25 years, and many manufacturers offer performance guarantees backed by warranties.23 Repsol Renewables anticipates that the panels used for the South Ripley Solar Project will have a useful life of at least 30 years. Like many other durable products and construction materials, solar equipment can last for decades with proper maintenance, of which they require very little due to the presence of very few, if any, moving parts.24 Proper operations and maintenance can increase efficiency, extend a project’s lifetime, and ensure safety.25 Prior to construction, the South Ripley Solar Project will develop and implement an Operations and Maintenance Plan based on industry best practices and site-specific environmental conditions.
Solar PV panels typically consist of glass, polymer, aluminum, copper, and semiconductor materials,26 which can be safely disposed of in landfills at the end of the project life. In addition, recycling technologies have emerged in the last several years that have enabled these materials to be recovered and recycled at the end of their useful life.27 PV solar panel recycling technologies have been put in place over the last decade that have been shown to recover over 95% of semiconductor materials and over 90% of the glass in the panel.28 In other cases, solar PV components can be reused or refurbished to have a “second life” of generating electricity.29 The industry continues to work with recycling partners and to research and explore additional cost-effective recycling technologies.30
2 https://www.seia.org/solar-industry-research-data
3 https://www.lazard.com/media/xemfey0k/lazards-lcoeplus-june-2024-_vf.pdf
4 https://www.iea.org/reports/world-energy-outlook-2020
6 https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy13osti/59065.pdf
7 https://news.energysage.com/solar-panels-work/
8 https://seia.org/solar-state-by-state/
9 https://seia.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/New-York-1.pdf
13 https://www.who.int/peh-emf/about/WhatisEMF/en/
14 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26023811/
15 https://seia.org/initiatives/environmental-health-safety/
17 https://cleanpower.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Solar-and-Property-Values-Fact-Sheet_0823.pdf
19 https://dis.puc.state.oh.us/ViewImage.aspx?CMID=A1001001A21B01B42950C00157
20 https://le.uwpress.org/content/wple/early/2022/12/20/le.99.3.102920-0165R.full.pdf
21 https://www.energy.gov/eere/solar/farmers-guide-going-solar
22 https://cleanpower.org/wp-content/uploads/gateway/2024/02/Solar-on-AG-Land_240911.pdf
23 https://www.seia.org/initiatives/recycling-end-life-considerations-photovoltaics
24 https://news.energysage.com/how-long-do-solar-panels-last/
25 https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy17osti/68281.pdf
27 https://www.irena.org/publications/2016/Jun/End-of-life-management-Solar-Photovoltaic-Panels
28 https://iea-pvps.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/IRENA_IEAPVPS_End-of-Life_Solar_PV_Panels_2016.pdf
29 https://www.seia.org/initiatives/recycling-end-life-considerations-photovoltaics
30 https://www.seia.org/initiatives/seia-national-pv-recycling-program
No, the South Ripley Solar Project is a merchant generator of renewable energy, not a fully regulated public utility company with an obligation to serve utility customers, and therefore does not have the power of eminent domain in New York State. Eminent domain is defined as the right of the government to take private property for a public purpose.1 Repsol Renewables does not have the right to utilize eminent domain and will secure all land rights for the project through voluntary contractual agreements with project participants.
Additionally, in general, New York State law prohibits investor-owned utilities such as National Grid from owning large-scale generation facilities, like the South Ripley Solar Project. While National Grid may have the ability to take property by eminent domain in order to provide safe and reliable electric transmission and distribution service, current law would not allow National Grid to utilize eminent domain to take a private merchant generation projects. Therefore, eminent domain will not be used under any circumstance for the South Ripley Solar Project.
Repsol Renewables expects to use approximately 2,000 acres for the South Ripley Solar project. Of that, only 1,250 to 1,500 acres are expected to host project infrastructure, and the project will be located wholly within the town boundaries of Ripley. Construction of solar projects is typically low impact and does not typically require significant site work or soil disturbance. Repsol Renewables aims to further minimize potential environmental impacts by avoiding wetlands, limiting tree clearing, and working with participating farmers to utilize less productive agricultural fields. While Repsol Renewables has made sure to keep landowners and stakeholders in neighboring towns informed about the development of the project, the project boundaries have always been and will remain within Ripley.
A solar project is a large group of solar panels that operate together as one power generation facility, delivering electricity to the existing electric grid. Solar projects are typically arranged in north to south rows with access buffers between each row, not less than 8 feet wide. In addition, access roads will be built between major panel areas to allow operations and maintenance staff to access the solar panels.
A panel array, which includes both PV panels and mounting racks, typically stands around 12 feet tall. The mounting racks are supported by steel pile foundations generally set up to 8 feet into the ground without the use of concrete. Panel designs currently being evaluated by Repsol Renewables rotate slowly from east to west once a day, keeping the sun at a 90-degree angle from the panels to ensure maximum energy is absorbed. Each section of solar panels is typically fenced off to ensure security and safe operation.
Solar projects do not burn fossil fuels to generate electricity, and as a result, do not emit any air pollutants such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, or particulate matter. Both fossil fuel and non-fossil fuel power technologies induce life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions that stem from the energy requirements for their construction and operation. Known as a “carbon debt”, this debt of energy must be paid off to calculate how solar projects reduce emissions over their lifetime. A typical utility-scale solar project repays its carbon footprint in roughly 12 months or less,2 allowing them to provide decades of zero emission energy.
Prior to operation, we will develop an Emergency Response Plan in accordance with industry best practices, which will outline the response procedures to be employed should an emergency arise at the project site. We will work closely and collaboratively with the local departments and authorities. We provide pre-construction training to all emergency response personnel, which includes a description of the facility, any potential construction risks, and the role of emergency responders should an incident occur. After construction is complete, we will host the emergency response personnel for a site visit to make sure they are familiar with the system and our Emergency Response Plan.
If sited and developed properly, the South Ripley Solar Project will have minimal impacts on local wildlife. In fact, studies show that solar facilities can provide shelter for species, promote land stability, preserve habitat, and support biodiversity.3
As part of the New York State siting process, the South Ripley Solar Project consulted with state and federal agencies and stakeholders, including the NYS Department of Public Service, NYS Department of Environmental Consideration, NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to ensure that potential environmental impacts are fully considered in the final project design. Studies to help assess potential impacts include a noise impact assessment, seasonal avian studies, sensitive wildlife surveys, wetland and habitat delineations, and a wide range of other studies and surveys. The information gathered from this comprehensive coordination and review is used to inform final siting and design as well as various resource management plans and environmental protection measures to avoid, minimize or mitigate impacts to wildlife.
Once constructed, the South Ripley Solar Project will produce no pollution or emissions. Further, native vegetation can grow under the panels, and the project can provide sanctuaries for flora and fauna to thrive.4 Vegetation management concepts, such as integrated vegetation management and pollinator friendly practices, provide opportunities to promote beneficial plants species and enhance habitats on the site.
Fencing, a security measure put in place in accordance with industry best practices, will be limited to areas around panels. Collection easements between panel areas will not be fenced to allow larger wildlife to traverse through the Project Area without disruption.
Yes. During construction, Repsol Renewables will coordinate with participating landowners to ensure that hunting activities are conducted in a safe manner while construction workers are on-site. Once operational, hunting will no longer be allowed within panel areas, but landowners will be able to hunt on parcels around the project area without restriction. Limited fencing, a security measure put in place in accordance with industry best practices and local requirements, will be erected around panel areas. Collection easements between panel areas will not be fenced to allow wildlife to traverse these corridors without disruption.
Repsol Renewables has already paid local host landowners over $600,000 for site control agreements and expects to pay more than $1 million dollars per year directly to Ripley landowners through lease, easement, and neighbor agreements, resulting in more than $30 million in payments to local landowners over the course of project life. These landowners, in turn, will use this money to reinvest in new farm equipment or home improvements, which will generate additional income for the County in assessed property taxes and sales tax.
Further, the South Ripley Solar Project represents an approximately $350 million capital investment, which will bring significant revenue, jobs, and economic development into the Town of Ripley and Chautauqua County. The Project will also result in significant revenue to the Town of Ripley, Sherman and Ripley School Districts, and Chautauqua County without burdening existing resources. It is estimated that through the PILOT and Host Community Agreements, the project will provide additional tax revenues, expected to average approximately $800,000 per year during project operation, resulting in more than $26.8 million in payments to the Town of Ripley over the life of the project. This increased revenue to the Town of Ripley would comprise approximately 100% of the Town’s annual property tax levy. Through the PILOT agreement and CCIDA agency fee, the project is expected to provide over $7.8 million to Chautauqua County and the CCIDA, making it one of the top five taxpayers in the county.
In addition, the project will result in additional tax revenues expected to average over $389,000 per year for the Sherman School District ($15.5 million over the life of the project) and over $33,000 per year for the Ripley School District ($990,000 over the life of the project). The project is also expected to provide annual tax revenue and direct benefits averaging over $189,000 per year to the Ripley Fire Protection District, resulting in over $5.6 million in payments to the local fire department over the project’s life.
Repsol Renewables will develop and implement a Vegetation Management Plan that establishes vegetation goals and identifies the specific treatments that may be used to ensure safe and reliable operation of the facility. Common practices to control and manage vegetation will involve mechanized and agrarian means; however, herbicides may be employed, depending on the target plant species, land use activities and landowner input. Repsol Renewables is committed to the conscientious use of appropriate management techniques to control vegetation in a way that is designed to minimize the risk of unreasonable adverse effects on human health and the environment.
During its approximately year-long construction, the project is expected to create up to 220 family-wage jobs, many of which will be sourced from the local labor pool. The South Ripley Solar Project has executed an MOU with Laborers Local 631 and is in the process of negotiating one with IBEW Local 106. These agreements designate local members as the first option to support the construction of the project.
Repsol Renewables’ lease agreement states that the company is responsible for the decommissioning and removal of project infrastructure at the end of the project’s life.
Additionally, a Decommissioning and Restoration Plan will put in place as a requirement of the Article VIII permit. The Decommissioning and Restoration Plan will outline the various ways in which Repsol Renewables will safely and responsibly remove installed solar equipment and how the property within the project area will be restored to as close to its state prior to construction as possible. Repsol Renewables will put financial security in place early in the life of the project to ensure that host communities and landowners will bear no responsibility for decommissioning or restoration.
Repsol Renewables expects to start construction on the South Ripley Solar Project in 2026, with a goal to complete construction and begin delivering energy in 2027. Landowners and members of the community will be kept apprised of the project’s milestones and progress throughout the development and construction phases of the project.
1 https://ag.ny.gov/real-property/faqs-about-nys-eminent-domain-procedure-law47
2 https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms13728
3 https://www.solarpowerworldonline.com/2019/03/utility-scale-solar-wildlife-stewardship/
4 https://cleanpower.org/wp-content/uploads/gateway/2024/02/Solar-on-AG-Land_240911.pdf
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