Notice of Intent to File an Application

South Ripley Solar Project

Chautauqua County, New York


ConnectGen Chautauqua County LLC (ConnectGen) is proposing to construct the South Ripley Solar Project (the Facility), a proposed 270 megawatt (MW) solar powered electric generating facility proposed to be located in the Town of Ripley, County of Chautauqua, New York. This notice announces that on or about July 30, 2021, ConnectGen will file an application with the Office of Renewable Energy Siting (the Office), pursuant to Section 94-c of the New York State Executive Law (94-c Process), seeking a Permit from the Office authorizing the construction and operation of the Facility (Application). The 94-c Process has been implemented by rules enacted by the Office of Renewable Energy Siting and establishes a review process with uniform standards and conditions for all projects. 

The Facility will be constructed in South Ripley, located in the southern part of the Town of Ripley along the border with the Town of Mina. It will consist of rows of photovoltaic panels, approximately 12 feet in height and arranged in discrete subarrays dispersed throughout the Facility Site, as well as associated electrical collection lines, inverters, transformers, fencing, access roads, and temporary construction laydown yards, battery energy storage system, and an operation and maintenance building. The medium voltage collection system will aggregate the 34.5 kilovolt (kV) output from the co-located inverters and transformers and deliver it to a new collection substation located immediately adjacent to National Grid’s existing 230 kV Ripley Substation. A short transmission line will connect the collection substation to a point of interconnection at the Ripley substation, which will deliver power to the existing 230 kV Ripley to Dunkirk transmission line. 

The Facility is a zero-emission solar energy facility that will assist the State in meeting the goals of the Climate Leadership and Protection Act and State Energy Plan, which includes obtaining 70% of energy generation from renewable sources by 2030 and significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Other positive impacts of the Facility include diversification of energy supplies, new employment opportunities (both temporary construction employment and full-time jobs), and increased revenues to the Town of Ripley, the Sherman and Ripley School Districts, and Chautauqua County. The construction and operation of the Facility will also result in payments to the local hospitality industry and the purchase of local supplies and goods. In addition, ConnectGen has attempted to minimize impacts to land associated with the Facility by siting Facility components to limit the disturbance to sensitive local environmental and cultural resources to the maximum extent practicable. ConnectGen will submit an Application that includes extensive studies evaluating the potential impacts associated with the Facility and identified methods which have been agreed to be implemented to avoid, minimize and mitigate potential impacts. 

This notice is being provided in accordance with 19 NYCRR 900-1.6(c) and is being published at least three days prior to the filing of the Application. 

Pursuant to 19 NYCRR 900-5, ConnectGen will submit with its Application $1,000 dollars for each MW of capacity for local agencies and potential community intervenors, which for this project, totals $270,000. Any local agency or potential community intervenor can submit a request to the Office for funding within thirty (30) days of the date of the application filing. 75% of the local agency account funds shall be reserved for local agencies. Further details will be provided as the filing of the Application draws near and on Requests must be submitted by first class mail to the address below or electronically via email to:

Office of Renewable Energy Siting
c/o: OGS Mailroom Empire State Plaza
Empire State Plaza
240 State Street P-1 South, J Dock
Albany, NY 12242

Copies must also be submitted to the assigned Administrative Law Judge, if any, and other parties to the proceeding. 

To learn more visit or contact us at:

ConnectGen Chautauqua County LLC
Attn. Isaac Phillips
1001 McKinney Street, Suite 700
Houston, TX 77002
Phone: (800) 338-8905

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Suite 700
Houston, TX 77002
(800) 338-8905

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Connectgen’s South Ripley Solar Project Receives Approval From the New York State Office Of Renewable Energy Siting

ConnectGen announced today that its proposed South Ripley Solar Project has received a final siting permit from the New York State Office of Renewable Energy Siting (ORES). Based on a comprehensive review of the record, ORES found that the Project complies with Executive Law 94-c and avoids, minimizes, or mitigates, to the maximum extent practicable, potential significant adverse environmental impacts to the surrounding area.

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